The blog of Tomversation creator Tom Falco

Friday, March 28, 2014

Making changes

I'm back here and so is the daily Tomversation comic. What I mean is here at Blogger. I had moved everything over to Word Press and Comic Easel, but things screwed up and I had been thinking of coming back here, so it seemed like the perfect time.

I like it here for a few reasons, for instance, with the comic, rather than have just one comic and the navigation bars, there is a weeks' worth of comics and the archives here. So when you look at the page you see more than just one single comic panel staring you in the face, there's more to see there and more to engage people.

Also, I had wanted to separate the blog from the comic itself. In the old format, the blog was below the comic, I felt they should stand alone. With the blog now, I can post on a whim, and it would make sense, the other way I felt that people only looked at the blog as a side thought after checking the comic out. Now they are two separate entities. I think I can do more with this version of the blog, it will get more interesting now.

I did seem to lose a lot of the stories and may end up going into RSS or the wayback machine and grabbing them and re-posting them under their original dates, just so that they are here on file.
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